People Hate Us

So recently I got into a fight (I refrain from the word “debate” or “argument” because it wasn’t civil enough to be either of those 2 things) with a Social Democrat about my beliefs. For anyone who doesn’t know (which is almost everyone reading this, considering this is my first blog post), I like to call myself an archreactionary. That means an “extreme reactionary”.

That means my idea of an ideal state is a feudal, theocratic absolute monarchy with peasants and lords. Now I know what you’re thinking. You want to refute me. You want to fight with me in the comment section. I would advise you against that, as:

  1. You’re not going to change my mind
  2. I will ignore you

So don’t waste your time. Besides, I’m a monarchist before a feudalist or a theocrat. I am well aware my ideal state will never rise again, and the very nature of a monarchy means that it is very flexible with almost any other system of government. So I’d much rather advocate for the next best thing (which to me, is a conservative welfare state under a semi-constitutional monarchy) than my ideal medieval nation.

Going back to the story, this fellow, who is a social democrat mind you, simply asked our opinions on hereditary monarchy. I gave it to him. And then the conversation spiralled out of control when slavery, feudalism, and absolutism became the topics of conversation. I should also mention that they were incredibly rude (it was on Discord. I was answering a previously asked question, but when I answered, he had already typed out another question and said something along the lines of “don’t go off-topic. Answer me”. Keep in mind, that I was on my phone so I was typing much slower than usual).

Now we should go into the topic that is the main purpose of this post: people hate us. People from all walks of life and from any ideology just cannot comprehend why we prefer traditional leadership (much less why a lot of us prefer traditional authority).

Now, I’m aware I have done a terrible job at introducing my ideology to this person. I said to them that my idea of a dream is their idea of a nightmare. I’m sure that, had I did it better, the conversation would have been more tame; people don’t like it when they’re introduced to something that they don’t understand in an immediate fashion.

So this begs the question: if you, a typical monarchist, were to encounter someone and wanted to have a civil conversation (or even try to convert them), what would you say?


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